7 Ways to Serve Your Community
Spread Some Love Around Town

Tis the season to show those around you how much you care. What better way than to take some time for community service. It doesn’t take a lot to help those in need. Consider the following ideas for showing your community some love.
Free Community Service Options
No money? No problem. You can still help serve your community without spending a dime. All it takes is a little time and a lot of love.
- Volunteer. Whether it’s at the local food pantry, animal shelter, or neighborhood clean-up event, sometimes time is more valuable than a check.
- Donate. While organizations may welcome monetary donations, some also accept non-perishable food, gently used clothing, furniture and equipment, and even life-saving donations like blood.
- Be kind. A smile goes a long way. Take a minute to check in on neighbors and family members, especially the elderly, solitary, or those who currently have a lot on their plate. Schedule time to connect—either in person or remotely—to let them know you care. Don’t forget to take care of yourself as well.
- Be mindful. Rumors can spread around the community quickly and lead to stress and misinformation. Only share news from credible sources and try to remain calm.
Remember that your time is valuable and should be treated as such. While there are countless community service activities you can get involved with, be careful not to spread yourself too thin.
Put the Fun in Fundraising
If you have more time and money to spare, there are a few more ways your community can benefit.
- Support small businesses. Shop at the corner stores or purchase their gift cards online to help keep the local storefronts open.
- Assist local fundraisers. Some of the organizations you volunteer with might have wish lists for crucial supplies. Help fundraising efforts by participating in local charity events. Start a fund for a cause that’s close to your heart.
- Scholarships. Help support others in your area on their academic journey.
Whether you have time and/or money to give, there are plenty of ways to serve your community and help improve the lives of others. It all starts with some love in your heart and a hope for a better future.